Electrical fires – no fun
It is well known that electrical conductors heat up when current flows through them. That this can lead to a fire also, yet the danger of the [...]
Car sharing – model of the future?
Both in conventional drive systems and for electric vehicles, the question is increasingly being asked, especially by young users: Does it always have to be a car [...]
32 years after Chernobyl – Renewable energies are more efficient
On April 26, 1986, the most famous accident in the power plant's history occurred in unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This is now exactly [...]
Electromobility – Does everything electrically driven always equal (ev) high voltage?
A lot is happening in electromobility. Not only passenger cars, but also trucks and buses, but also small hallway vehicles, recreational vehicles and even electric tuk-tuks are [...]
To load fast or not to load fast, that is the question here
Electric cars are often promoted by the manufacturers' marketing with the "fast charging function". Why not? After all, it's important for the consumer; I don't stand at [...]
Redox flow batteries
A great deal of money and effort has been invested in battery technology, especially since the beginning of this year. This is also understandable; after all, the [...]