Your partner for (ev) high voltage training, battery qualification, PV seminars, VDE courses:
The Technology Consulting Solutions GmbH

(ev) high voltage training, battery qualification, photovoltaic seminars, VDE training, consulting

We offer our customers the necessary training and certification (for example, any high voltage training in accordance with DGUV I 209-093) in accordance with the relevant standards and regulations in presence, online or in combination by our experienced trainers. In addition, we provide support in the design of in-house training measures and the establishment of an electrical safety and CRES structure – whether as individual training or organized on a long-term basis as a component of your onboarding process.

  • Consulting on electrical safety and suply chain sustainability of electrical work
  • (ev) high voltage training, battery qualification, photovoltaic seminars, VDE courses
  • Employee certification, including iP, SHV, EiP, ESfdt, ES, LLW
  • ES maintenance of professional competence, recurrent instruction in electrical engineering / annual instruction, CRES
  • Germany, Europe and Worldwide
  • Face-to-face seminars, webinars & blended learning

Our team management

Matthias Surovcik
Matthias SurovcikManaging Director
As an electrical specialist, long-time technical trainer for electrical engineering, education expert and business lawyer, the 1983-born founder is always confident at the helm.
Sascha Schindele
Sascha SchindeleHead of IT & Web Development
Our IT expert year of construction 1991 and specialist in institutional IT security and Internet programming lovingly takes care of all our technology – online and offline.
Dr. Albrecht Sigler
Dr. Albrecht SiglerScience Officer
The academic with a doctorate always keeps an eye on the exchange within our circle of trainers as well as on the design of our seminars and training materials.

Our guidelines: BCP, CSR, HSE/HSP, DTP/DSGVO, CP, RMP, QMP, CoD, EDP, CMP and RTP are important to us as your partner for training and qualifications in the areas of (ev) high voltage, battery technology and photovoltaics.

Our guidelines on combating bribery and corruption in the current version (click).

Our guidelines on social responsibility and sustainability in the current version (click).

Our guidelines on health and safety at work in the current version (click).

Our general data protection guidelines are available on our homepage (click). The specific technical and organizational measures (TOM) are made available to our customers on request.

Our guidelines on compliance in the company in the current version (click).

Our risk management guidelines in the company in the current version (click).

Our quality management guidelines in the company in the current version (click).

The current version of our Code of Ethics and Conduct (click).

The current version of our employee development policy (click).

The current version of our change management guideline (click).

Our bureaucracy guideline in the current version (click).

Fragen zu einer Hochvolt-Schulung, Batterie-Qualifizierung, PV-Trainings, VDE/IEC-Kursen? Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter!
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